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Liquidity: liquidity management page that supports liquidity providers to manage liquidity positions: creating, adding and removing.
Different from traditional DEX, has two modes, Stable and Volatile, with two different trading curves.
Create Pair: Trading pairs are created automatically when the first liquidity is provided.
Deposit: To add both tokens to the liquidity pool proportionally.
Withdraw: Remove liquidity.
Stake: take LP token and get DDDX emission incentives.
Stable mode, using stable token algorithm curve. Volatile mode, using non-stable currency algorithm curve.
Liquidity providers can choose two different algorithm curves when providing liquidity. It is recommended that users select the Stable mode when adding liquidity to stablecoin pairs to obtain lower impermanent losses.
Slippage is the difference between the current market price of an asset and the price that your order is filled at. To avoid slippage, you should look for deep markets.
Without binding veNFT, the LP will receive 40% of the incentives weight. In the case of binding veNFT, LP will receive up to 100% of the incentives weight, that is, 2.5 times faster mining can be achieved, and thus more transaction fee rewards.
Related calculation formula:
LP incentives weight without binding veNFT = LP amount * 40%
LP incentives weight after binding veNFT = min ((your LP amount*40%+(total LP lock-up amount * your NFT voting weight/total voting weight)*60%), your LP amount))
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