πŸ’«Algorithm Advantages


Compatible with all standard features introduced by Uniswap V2, including:

  • Lazy LP management

  • Fungible LP positions

  • Chained swaps to route between pairs

  • PriceCumulativeLast that can be used as external TWAP

  • Flashloan proof TWAP

  • Direct LP rewards

Algorithm Advantages

  • 0 upkeep 30 minute TWAPs. This means no additional upkeep is required, you can quote directly from the pair

  • Fee split. Fees do not auto accrue, this allows external protocols to be able to profit from the fee claim


y = (sqrt((27 a^3 bx^2 + 27 ab^3 x^2)^2 + 108 x^12) + 27 a^3 bx^2 + 27 ab^3 x^2) ^(1/3)/(3 2^(1/3) x) - (2^(1/3) x^3)/(sqrt((27 a^3 bx^2 + 27 ab^3 x^ 2)^2 + 108 x^12) + 27 a^3 bx^2 + 27 ab^3 x^2)^(1/3)

  • Routing through both stable and volatile pairs

  • Flashloan proof reserve quoting


Last updated