Core Features
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Current AMMs are primarily for LPs, either through token incentives, bootstrapping liquidity, or even protocol owned liquidity.
Today, other protocols are the new AMM users. We have made some modifications on the basis of the original AMM to make it easy for protocols or projects to leverage.
Must be able to easily add token incentives to liquidity pool.
Must be able to easily bribe token emissions onto liquidity pool.
Must be able to accrue fees from liquidity pool you incentivize.
Must be able to permissionlessly deploy your liquidity pool.
With the above in place, any protocol or project can easily incentivize their own liquidity by using DDDX protocol.
Natively supports swaps between closely correlated assets(stable token) via a new algorithm
Natively supports swaps between uncorrelated assets(all BEP20 tokens)
0.01% fee for the correlated assets and 0.25% for the uncorrelated assets
Fees are paid out in base assets, not converted
Uniswap v2 compatible interfaces (allows support for all existing analytics tools and interfaces)
Permissionlessly create pools
Permissionless support for Gauges & Bribes
Emission incentivizes fees instead of liquidity
Native support for adding third party tokens and incentives
ve(3,3) lockers accumulate all fees for pools they vote emission on
ve(3,3) lockers increase holdings proportional to emission, no dilution
ve(3,3) lockers vote on emissions with circulating supply decay
ve(3,3) locks are represented as non-fungible tokens to allow capital efficiency of locks
Fees earned by the protocol should go to vetoken lockers
Emission by the protocol should go to pools with the highest fees
vetoken lockers decide which pools receive emissions